
Market Monitor Consumer Durables Netherlands 2017


  • オランダ
  • 耐久消費財

28 3 2017

NL 2017 CD SW

Competition is high in all segments and price pressure offsets sales volume growth, meaning that the already low profit margins will remain under pressure.

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    Market Monitor ICT China 2018


    • 中国
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    12 6 2018

    Despite still high growth rates the sector is facing a challenging economic environment, with fiercer competition and oversupplies in some segments.

    Market Monitor ICT USA 2018


    • アメリカ合衆国
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    12 6 2018

    A deterioration of trade relations with China could negatively affect the ICT component supply side and confront US end-consumers with higher sales prices.

    Market Monitor ICT United Kingdom 2018


    • イギリス
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    12 6 2018

    Despite increasing challenges a recovery of the exchange rate and a rather stable economic outlook for 2018 should help the ICT industry in the short-term.

    Market Monitor ICT Japan 2018


    • 日本
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    12 6 2018

    While many Japanese ICT businesses are highly indebted, companies obtain finance easily as banks are very willing to lend and interest rates are low.

    Market Monitor ICT Germany 2018


    • ドイツ
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    12 6 2018

    Despite continued sales growth, most German ICT businesses operate on very tight margins due to fierce competition and price erosion in most subsectors.

    Market Monitor ICT Australia 2018


    • オーストラリア
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    12 6 2018

    Payment experience over the past two years has been good in the ICT sector and the level of insolvencies is low, with no major change expected in 2018.

    Market Monitor ICT France 2018


    • フランス
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    12 6 2018

    Despite overall growth, many French ICT companies face structurally low margins, price pressure and an on-going consolidation process in the market.

    Market Monitor ICT Netherlands 2018


    • オランダ
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    12 6 2018

    While Dutch ICT distributors are becoming larger, many smaller companies are changing their business model to have a more service-oriented approach.

    Market Monitor ICT India 2018


    • インド
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    12 6 2018

    Despite robust growth rates, pricing pressure and cheap imports are key challenges in the domestic ICT market, especially for smaller IT distributors.

    Market Monitor ICT Italy 2018


    • イタリア
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    12 6 2018

    Due to limited organic growth opportunities and the on-going economic uncertainty, market players strive to expand through acquisitions and specialisation.

    Market Monitor ICT United Arab Emirates 2018


    • アラブ首長国連邦
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    12 6 2018

    Despite signs of stabilisation since H2 of 2017 the ICT sector remains fragile, with businesses’ profit margins expected to shrink further in 2018.

    Market Monitor ICT South Korea 2018


    • 韓国
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    12 6 2018

    Payment behaviour in the ICT sector has been good over the past two years, and the number of payment delays and insolvencies is expected to remain low.

    Asia Pacific: an increase in payment duration in 2018


    • オーストラリア,
    • 中国,
    • 化学・薬品,
    • 建設,

    23 5 2018

    Despite minor improvements, the impact of late payments cannot be denied and businesses in Asia Pacific need more time to convert B2B invoices into cash.

    Australia: a sharp increase in DSO


    • オーストラリア
    • 化学・薬品,
    • 建設,

    23 5 2018

    In 2018, respondents in Australia reported a steep increase in DSO and the need for more time to convert B2B invoices into cash.

    China: late payment still the norm


    • 中国
    • 化学・薬品,
    • 建設,

    23 5 2018

    Payment delays have remained largely stable and payment duration improved. Bankruptcy and failed collection attempts remain top reasons for write-offs.

    Hong Kong: a high level of overdue B2B invoices


    • 香港
    • 建設,
    • 耐久消費財,

    23 5 2018

    Despite improvements, the proportion of overdue B2B invoices and that of uncollectable B2B receivables in Hong Kong remain some of the highest in Asia Pacific.

    India: the country most affected by late payment


    • インド
    • 化学・薬品,
    • 建設,

    23 5 2018

    2018 brought many changes in India – more frequent payment delays, increases in the proportion of overdue B2B invoices and DSO, a longer payment duration.

    Indonesia: the highest increase in overdue B2B invoices


    • インドネシア
    • 自動車・輸送,
    • 建設,

    23 5 2018

    In 2018, respondents in Indonesia reported an increase in the frequency of late payment and a significant increase in overdue B2B invoices.

    Japan: the most inclined to offer credit terms


    • 日本
    • 農業,
    • 化学・薬品,

    23 5 2018

    In 2018, respondents in Japan reported an increase in overdue B2B invoices and a longer time to convert B2B invoices into cash.

    Singapore: frequent late payments in 2018


    • シンガポール
    • 自動車・輸送,
    • 化学・薬品,

    23 5 2018

    Despite improvements, the vast majority of respondents in Singapore reported frequent late payments by their B2B customers.

    Taiwan: payment duration increase in 2018


    • 台湾
    • 建設,
    • 耐久消費財,

    23 5 2018

    Changes in the average payment terms and payment delays brought an increase in Taiwan’s average payment duration which is the second highest in the region.

    Country report Austria 2018


    • オーストリア
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    In 2018, economic growth is expected to remain above 2%, sustained by domestic and international demand. The momentum is forecast to slow down in 2019.

    Country report Belgium 2018


    • ベルギー
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    In 2018 the number of Belgian business insolvencies will still be higher than the levels seen before the start of the global credit crisis in 2008.

    Country report Denmark 2018


    • デンマーク
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    The Danish economy has regained some of its international competitiveness due to structural reforms that addressed the issue of high labour costs.

    Country report Germany 2018


    • ドイツ
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    Economic expansion remains broad-based, driven by private consumption and business investments, while export growth is sustained by the eurozone demand.

    Country report France 2018


    • フランス
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    With about 55,000 business failures recorded in 2017 the number of insolvencies was still as high as during the start of the credit crisis in 2008.

    Country report Ireland 2018


    • アイルランド
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    The Irish economy is expected to grow by about 4% in 2018, but remains exposed to ongoing economic uncertainties stemming from the Brexit decision.

    Country report Italy 2018


    • イタリア
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    Despite a forecast 10% year-on-year decrease in 2018 the number of business insolvencies will still be much higher than the levels registered in 2008.

    Country report Spain 2018


    • スペイン
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    In 2018 and 2019 economic growth is expected to moderate somewhat but to remain robust, with private consumption and investment remaining the key drivers.

    Country report Netherlands 2018


    • オランダ
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    A potential downside risk would be another deterioration in house prices, given high levels of mortgage debt and banks’ exposure to the housing market.

    Country report Sweden 2018


    • スウェーデン
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    A potential downside risk to the economic performance could be the high household debt in case of sharp house price decreases and interest rate increases.

    Country report Switzerland 2018


    • スイス
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    With the rebound of economic growth, business failures are expected to decrease year-on-year in 2018, but nevertheless to remain on an elevated level.

    Country report United Kingdom 2018


    • イギリス
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    British business insolvencies are expected to rise again in 2018, mainly affecting businesses active in the construction, retail and hospitality sectors.

    Global Economic Outlook - May 2018


    • アルジェリア,
    • アンゴラ,
    • その他

    08 5 2018

    The global economic upswing continues to strengthen but US policy uncertainty and a potential trade war could quickly darken the bright skies.

    Country Report Argentina 2018


    • アルゼンチン
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    17 4 2018

    While the return to more market friendly policies has improved Argentina´s medium- and long-term growth prospects, significant downside risks remain.

    Country Report Brazil 2018


    • ブラジル
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    17 4 2018

    Despite a rebound, the economic environment remains challenging due to a fragile political landscape, high unemployment, and fiscal policy issues.

    Country Report Chile 2018


    • チリ
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    17 4 2018

    Since H2 of 2017 economic growth has recovered from low copper prices and lower demand from China, strikes in the mining sector and weaker domestic demand.

    Country Report Colombia 2018


    • コロンビア
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    17 4 2018

    Since H2 of 2017 GDP growth has started to accelerate again, due to a more supportive external environment and the effects of monetary policy stimulus.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Italy 2018


    • イタリア
    • 耐久消費財

    04 4 2018

    In a highly competitive and fragmented market retailers’ profit margins are expected to remain under pressure in 2018 after deteriorating in 2017.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Spain 2018


    • スペイン
    • 耐久消費財

    04 4 2018

    Consumer durables are expected to continue their sales expansion in 2018, although at a lower pace than in 2017 as private consumption growth slows.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Australia 2018


    • オーストラリア
    • 耐久消費財

    04 4 2018

    In 2018 sales are expected to be affected by slower household spending growth, triggered by a weaker housing market and subdued growth in household income.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables India 2018


    • インド
    • 耐久消費財

    04 4 2018

    The profit margins of Indian non-food retailers are expected to moderate in 2018 due to growing competition and the rising market share of e-commerce.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Poland 2018


    • ポーランド
    • 耐久消費財

    04 4 2018

    Despite good sales prospects, there remains substantial uncertainty related to VAT tax issues amongst retailers as tax controls have been intensified.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Indonesia 2018


    • インドネシア
    • 耐久消費財

    04 4 2018

    Indonesia's retail sector is one of the most promising in Asia, on the back of its large population and growing middle class with higher purchasing power.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Vietnam 2018


    • ベトナム
    • 耐久消費財

    04 4 2018

    The short-term outlook is benign with private consumption expected to increase by more than 6% in 2018, but higher inflation could have a dampening effect.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Netherlands 2018


    • オランダ
    • 耐久消費財

    04 4 2018

    The number of brick-and-mortar stores has significantly decreased - despite the fact that high street also benefits from the current sales increase.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Germany 2018


    • ドイツ
    • 耐久消費財

    04 4 2018

    The best way for smaller retailers to survive is to join a large purchasing association and to compete with e-commerce by providing outstanding service.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables France 2018


    • フランス
    • 耐久消費財

    04 4 2018

    The business environment is highly competitive among the different distribution networks, reinforced by the increasing market share of online retailers.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables USA April 2018


    • アメリカ合衆国
    • 耐久消費財

    04 4 2018

    Many long-standing retail chains are highly indebted, often from leveraged buyouts led by private equity firms, while investors reconsider further lending.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables United Kingdom 2018


    • イギリス
    • 耐久消費財

    04 4 2018

    As a result of more difficult trading conditions retailers profit margins have deteriorated in H2 of 2017, and further decline is expected in 2018.

