
Market Monitor Consumer Durables Netherlands 2017


  • オランダ
  • 耐久消費財

28 3 2017

NL 2017 CD SW

Competition is high in all segments and price pressure offsets sales volume growth, meaning that the already low profit margins will remain under pressure.

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    表示 121-140 of 655 アイテム

    Payment Practices Barometer India 2017


    • インド
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    17 10 2017

    With an average of 53.4%, India had the highest proportion of domestic and foreign past due B2B invoices of all the Asia Pacific countries surveyed.

    Payment Practices Barometer Australia 2017


    • オーストラリア
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    17 10 2017

    The percentage of Australian respondents reporting domestic and foreign late payments in 2017 (88.1%) has increased compared to last year (84.0%).

    Payment Practices Barometer Indonesia 2017


    • インドネシア
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    17 10 2017

    In 2017, Indonesian respondents reported an increased percentage of domestic and foreign overdue B2B invoices (domestic: 45.1% and foreign: 41.2%).

    Payment Practices Barometer Japan 2017


    • 日本
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    17 10 2017

    The total value of B2B sales on credit in Japan increased this year to 53.7%. Of the Asia Pacific countries surveyed, Japan was the most credit-friendly.

    Payment Practices Barometer Singapore 2017


    • シンガポール
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    17 10 2017

    Late payments from domestic and foreign B2B customers were reported more frequently by respondents in Singapore than by their peers in Asia Pacific.

    CEE Country Report Bulgaria 2017


    • Bulgaria
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    10 10 2017

    GDP is forecast to increase by more than 3% in 2017 and 2018, as household spending is spurred by low interest rates and an improving labour market.

    CEE Country Report Czech Republic 2017


    • チェコ
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    10 10 2017

    Private consumption is driven by wage growth while export growth is driven by Eurozone demand and the country´s improved international competitiveness.

    CEE Country Report Hungary 2017


    • ハンガリー
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    10 10 2017

    Hungary´s economic growth is expected to rebound in 2017 and 2018 after a slowdown in 2016, but the high level of external debt remains a major weakness.

    CEE Country Report Poland 2017


    • ポーランド
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    10 10 2017

    Despite further growth, Poland is susceptible to a potential end of the Eurozone recovery. Adverse economic policies could dampen investor sentiment.

    CEE Country Report Romania 2017


    • ルーマニア
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    10 10 2017

    GDP is expected to grow 4.2% in 2017 and 3.7% in 2018, driven strong private consumption and rising investments including structural funds from the EU.

    CEE Country Report Russia 2017


    • ロシア
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    10 10 2017

    Despite the current rebound the long-term prospect for higher growth rates is subdued due to structural weaknesses and the negative impact of sanctions.

    CEE Country Report Slovakia 2017


    • スロバキア
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    10 10 2017

    Growth is expected to remain above 3% in 2017 and 2018, but the economy remains vulnerable to adverse developments in the automotive sector.

    CEE Country Report Turkey 2017


    • トルコ
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    10 10 2017

    GDP growth is robust, but risks in the banking and corporate sectors have increased while high dependence on capital inflow remains a major vulnerability.

    Payment Practices Barometer Brazil 2017


    • ブラジル
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    12 9 2017

    In 2017, 92.7% of respondents in Brazil reported late payments from their domestic B2B customers and 86.5% in respect to their foreign B2B customers.

    Market Monitor Automotive UK 2017


    • イギリス
    • 自動車・輸送

    05 9 2017

    The short-term outlook remains satisfying, but Brexit will surely have a major impact on domestic car sales and British car exports in the mid-term.

    Market Monitor Automotive USA 2017


    • アメリカ合衆国
    • 自動車・輸送

    05 9 2017

    Besides the risk of a sales downturn, the economic policies of the Trump administration could pose a potential challenge for the US car industry.

    Market Monitor Automotive China 2017


    • 中国
    • 自動車・輸送

    05 9 2017

    As more and more carmakers rush to enter into the electric and hybrid car segment, annual capacity in China is about to exceed 7 million units by 2020.

    Market Monitor Automotive France 2017


    • フランス
    • 自動車・輸送

    05 9 2017

    Automotive suppliers´ margins remain structurally under pressure, as the powerful car manufacturers demand greater productivity, coupled with lower prices.

    Market Monitor Automotive Italy 2017


    • イタリア
    • 自動車・輸送

    05 9 2017

    The level of insolvencies in the automotive sector is low compared to other Italian industries, and business failures are expected not to increase in 2017.

    Market Monitor Automotive Germany 2017


    • ドイツ
    • 自動車・輸送

    05 9 2017

    A large number of small supplier businesses could face higher business and credit risks in the future as margins have declined and challenges increase.

