
Market Monitor Consumer Durables Netherlands 2017


  • オランダ
  • 耐久消費財

28 3 2017

NL 2017 CD SW

Competition is high in all segments and price pressure offsets sales volume growth, meaning that the already low profit margins will remain under pressure.

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    表示 361-370 of 655 アイテム

    Market Monitor - ICT industry - United States


    • アメリカ合衆国
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    16 6 2016

    The ICT market in the United States is expected to benefit further from stable economic growth. No further decrease in insolvencies expected in 2016.

    Industry match-ups Switzerland vs France

    Industry Match-up Reports

    • フランス,
    • スイス
    • 化学・薬品

    16 6 2016

    The pharmaceuticals sector performs very well in both countries. However, the French pharmacy segment faces some troubles due to decreasing margins.

    Market Monitor - ICT industry - Italy


    • イタリア
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    16 6 2016

    The IT spending capacity of SMEs in Italy remains subdued. This may be a consequence of still restricted access to bank loans for smaller businesses.

    Market Monitor - ICT industry - United Kingdom


    • イギリス
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    16 6 2016

    In the UK, many IT resellers continue to lessen their reliance on hardware sales by offering value added services in order to increase their margins.

    Market Monitor - ICT industry - Japan


    • 日本
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    16 6 2016

    In 2016, growth in the Japanese ICT sector is expected to be modest at 0.9%, due to market saturation and a low economic growth forecast of 0.6%.

    Market Monitor - ICT industry - The Netherlands


    • オランダ
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    16 6 2016

    The industry is characterised by sharp price erosion and fierce competition, especially in the wholesalers segment. Market concentration is still on-going.

    Market Monitor - ICT industry - Russia


    • ロシア
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    16 6 2016

    Currently all Russian electronics / ICT subsectors face major troubles, especially those retailers and wholesalers that trade in foreign currency.

    Industry match-ups France vs Romania

    Industry Match-up Reports

    • フランス,
    • ルーマニア
    • 建設

    06 6 2016

    Still a red card: many payment delays, and construction insolvencies in both France and Romania are expected to remain on a very high level in 2016.

    Industry match-ups Wales vs Slovakia

    Industry Match-up Reports

    • スロバキア,
    • イギリス
    • 自動車・輸送

    06 6 2016

    A draw in sector comparison, as both the Slovakian and the UK automotive industry show a robust performance. Payment behaviour is generally good.

    Industry match-ups Belgium vs Ireland

    Industry Match-up Reports

    • ベルギー,
    • アイルランド
    • 食品

    06 6 2016

    In both countries the food industry is scoring abroad, as exports have emerged as the main driving force of sales. However, some subsectors face problems.

