
Market Monitor Consumer Durables Netherlands 2017


  • オランダ
  • 耐久消費財

28 3 2017

NL 2017 CD SW

Competition is high in all segments and price pressure offsets sales volume growth, meaning that the already low profit margins will remain under pressure.

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    表示 171-180 of 655 アイテム

    Market Monitor ICT India 2017


    • インド
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    06 6 2017

    Despite robust growth rates, pricing pressure and cheap imports are key challenges in the domestic ICT market, especially for smaller IT distributors.

    Market Monitor ICT United Kingdom 2017


    • イギリス
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    06 6 2017

    ICT growth is expected to slow down in 2017 as increased economic uncertainty is affecting household consumption growth and business investments.

    Market Monitor ICT USA 2017


    • アメリカ合衆国
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    06 6 2017

    It still remains to be seen to what extent the Trump administration´s policies will impact the US market for information and communication technology.

    Market Monitor ICT France 2017


    • フランス
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    06 6 2017

    Despite overall growth, many French ICT companies face structurally low margins, price pressure and an on-going consolidation process in the market.

    Market Monitor ICT Italy 2017


    • イタリア
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    06 6 2017

    Due to limited organic growth opportunities and the on-going economic uncertainty, market players strive to expand through acquisitions and specialisation.

    Market Monitor ICT Germany 2017


    • ドイツ
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    06 6 2017

    Despite continued sales growth, most German ICT businesses operate on very tight margins due to fierce competition and price erosion in most subsectors.

    Market Monitor ICT Japan 2017


    • 日本
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    06 6 2017

    On average, payments in the ICT sector take between 30 and 90 days. Business culture promotes prompt payment, and therefore the number of delays is low.

    Market Monitor ICT South Korea 2017


    • 韓国
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    06 6 2017

    Payment behaviour in the South Korean ICT sector has been good over the past two years, and the number of payment delays and insolvencies is low.

    Market Monitor ICT United Arab Emirates 2017


    • アラブ首長国連邦
    • エレクトロニクス・ICT

    06 6 2017

    As in 2016 the ICT market remains characterised by high competition, single-digit margins, low entry barriers and stagnating growth in some segments.

    Global Economic Outlook - May 2017


    • アルジェリア,
    • アンゴラ,
    • その他

    30 5 2017

    The first hint of spring is in the air leaving this Economic Outlook in a position of cautious optimism.

