
Market Monitor Consumer Durables Netherlands 2017


  • オランダ
  • 耐久消費財

28 3 2017

NL 2017 CD SW

Competition is high in all segments and price pressure offsets sales volume growth, meaning that the already low profit margins will remain under pressure.

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    Taiwan: payment duration increase in 2018


    • 台湾
    • 建設,
    • 耐久消費財,

    23 5 2018

    Changes in the average payment terms and payment delays brought an increase in Taiwan’s average payment duration which is the second highest in the region.

    Country report Austria 2018


    • オーストリア
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    In 2018, economic growth is expected to remain above 2%, sustained by domestic and international demand. The momentum is forecast to slow down in 2019.

    Country report Belgium 2018


    • ベルギー
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    In 2018 the number of Belgian business insolvencies will still be higher than the levels seen before the start of the global credit crisis in 2008.

    Country report Denmark 2018


    • デンマーク
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    The Danish economy has regained some of its international competitiveness due to structural reforms that addressed the issue of high labour costs.

    Country report Germany 2018


    • ドイツ
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    Economic expansion remains broad-based, driven by private consumption and business investments, while export growth is sustained by the eurozone demand.

    Country report France 2018


    • フランス
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    With about 55,000 business failures recorded in 2017 the number of insolvencies was still as high as during the start of the credit crisis in 2008.

    Country report Ireland 2018


    • アイルランド
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    The Irish economy is expected to grow by about 4% in 2018, but remains exposed to ongoing economic uncertainties stemming from the Brexit decision.

    Country report Italy 2018


    • イタリア
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    Despite a forecast 10% year-on-year decrease in 2018 the number of business insolvencies will still be much higher than the levels registered in 2008.

    Country report Spain 2018


    • スペイン
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    In 2018 and 2019 economic growth is expected to moderate somewhat but to remain robust, with private consumption and investment remaining the key drivers.

    Country report Netherlands 2018


    • オランダ
    • 農業,
    • 自動車・輸送,

    15 5 2018

    A potential downside risk would be another deterioration in house prices, given high levels of mortgage debt and banks’ exposure to the housing market.

