Market Monitor - ICT industry - The Netherlands


  • オランダ
  • エレクトロニクス・ICT

16 6 2016

The industry is characterised by sharp price erosion and fierce competition, especially in the wholesalers segment. Market concentration is still on-going.

  • In 2016 the Dutch ICT sector is expected to grow further, on the back of the country’s  continued economic rebound (GDP is forecast to grow 1.6% in 2016) and increasing consumer spending. Another driver of ICT growth is the rising business investment in big data and cloud computing solutions.
  • The industry is characterised by sharp price erosion and fierce competition, especially in the ICT wholesalers segment. Market concentration is still on-going in this subsector. While margins are under pressure, most ICT businesses are still able to realize solid profits.
  • While ICT businesses’ bank financing requirements are generally high, banks are willing to provide credit to ICT companies.  
  • Payments in the ICT sector take 60 days on average and payment delays are expected to remain stable in the coming months.
  • The insolvency level remains low compared to other industries. The ICT insolvency environment is expected to improve in 2016 after a slight deterioration in 2015.
  • Our underwriting stance remains generally open, and we assess and determine the risks on a case-by-case basis. Our requirements regarding financial information of ICT buyers are very high, given that many companies in this industry face low margins and high competition.
